Read about Tennessee "Diversity" Issues
Subject: NISSAN Whistleblower Reply To Gannett Lawyer about Website..... Says Gannett Hurting Freedom of Speech.... Maria De Varenne Website Will Come Down
Mr. Harvey,
This is Sharyn Bovat & I have received the letter this morning 1/23/2012 9:05 am
Thank you for forwarding the letter to me and I'm confirming it's receipt. Also, I appreciate having 5 days upon receipt of the letter. FYI- I have not used that other email account because I believe it was "hacked into" and have not yet received the letter by mail.
Sir, I'm respectful to Gannett & to the Tennesseean.
NOBODY thinks that my website is officially a Gannett. So that part of your letter I disagree.
In fact people know it's a way for me to have "freedom of speech"
I've already told Gannet executive Mark Silverman that I'm planning on taking down a website for his birthday.
Sir, Not everyone at Gannett hates me After I started Gannett McNews I asked a Gannett executive WHY I did not get a letter and the Ben Bradlee winner said " Freedom of Speech". I guess his successor does not feel the "same" about the constitution?
The fact is "some" at Gannett understand WHY I've had to do the blog and that's because the paper has failed to inquire about a whistleblower who was jailed 3 times after reporting discrimination and fraud. My life is miserable as a whistle blower and I want to "not blog" I want to go back to work:
In reference to the issues of my using articles: I believe I have used a "small" part of an article and then I have people "click the link" so that they can read the article on the Tennessean site: which actually gives gannett revenue. The only article in full that I'm aware of is on that was cached. Also the one that says that Nissan is 3,95 Billion in IDB debt (they are NO LONGER available for people to read. Sir, how can society know what is going on if Gannett deletes articles from the server?.
Part of the role of a newspaper is to provide knowledge to a community. The IDB debt is a big issue in Tennessee.
I will un publish the Maria De Varenne website as per your request: I think your bullying me still I want to obey the request. I don't want Maria do "swear out" a warrant.
What I would appreciate instead of signing the letter of demand is RESPECT.
I would like to sit down with you and have YOU explain to me about the copy write laws.
My understanding is since I have NO ads that I can put stuff up for educational purposes
I've seen other websites with parts of Tennessean articles. Are you aggressively telling them to "cease and desist".
I would like a response to that question in 48 hours. You NOW have my email address. It's "odd" that you used my old one since I've been emailing Gannett reporters for quite a while.
Mr. Harvey, I would like to become a blogger that HELPS society. Sir, can you help me understand HOW I do that?
Please meet with me and lets not start a legal battle. I just want humanity.
Thank You
Sharyn Bovat
Sharyn Bovat
-----Original Message-----
From: Robb Harvey <>
To: '' <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 23, 2012 9:02 am
Subject: FW: Attached letter regarding
Ms. Bovat:
Please see the attached letter, which was sent to another one of your email addresses on January 11, 2012.
From: Robb Harvey
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 6:10 PM
To: ''
Subject: Attached letter regarding
Ms. Bovat:
Please see the accompanying letter. We look forward to your anticipated cooperation.
Robb Harvey
Robb S. Harvey
511 Union Street, Suite 2700
Nashville, TN 37219
Direct: 615-850-8859
Fax: 615-244-6804
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